Friday, July 12, 2013


A child watches everything you do! Be sure to be an example!!

(If you don't have time to read this whole post.. at least watch the video at the end! (: It's worth
So this week we've been learning more about parenting and I realized, in order to be effective parents you must work together as a couple.  This may mean sitting down together each week as a couple and talking about ways you can improve together when it comes to child rearing and also being sure all of the children’s needs are being met.  There are five needs that every person has.  These needs are, 1) Contact and belonging, 2) Power 3) withdrawal 4) Protection and 5). Challenge.  Consider what things you are doing to meet these needs . If all of these basic needs are being met for the children, then consider the individual needs the children might have.  But along with getting with your spouse and talking about how you can best help the children, you should make sure that your marriage is being strengthened and that your spouse is getting all of their needs met.  If your marriage is deteriorating and isn’t very strong, it effects the way that you parent.  Let your spouse and your children know that you appreciate them.  Tell them why you love them.
In other classes I have been learning how much a divorce can and children living with blended families can really have a negative effect on children.  They do not do as well in school when this is going on.  It has been researched that it is known that divorce can have more of a negative effect on a child than a parent’s death.  That is quite an effect that divorce can have.  I repeat, it is very, very important that you strengthen your family so that your children can have the best family and home environment possible.  Parenting can be a lot better when your marriage is stable.  It is such much better to do it right the first time.  And if for some reason, it doesn’t happen to go right the first time and you do happen to get a divorce, it is not the end. Sometimes circumstances don’t permit things to go the way you want.  In this case still parent your children the best that you can and give your children as much of you as you can. 
Parenting is very important.  Children and family really do matter.  Do not take these matters lightly.  Your children and your family deserve the best!  Make sure to give them your time and your effort, even if you feel you don’t have either.  While you are becoming closer to them and helping them, they will help you too and make a difference in your life!

I've been wanting to share this video! Hopefully it applies! It is a great example of how to sacrifice for your spouse and also how to keep your relationship strong! 


  1. I love that poster with the father and son!

  2. I think some of the leaking problems people have are due to incorrect prep and washing so if you follow the directions and use the correct soap you shouldn't have a problem. When she is big enough for the mediums, I will buy them again. We have never had a problem with diaper rash. As you can tell, I'm happy with these and although the washing and stuffing the diapers is a little more work, we make it happen. We will soon be using cloth wipes because it won't be anymore work for us and better for our little girl!
