Saturday, July 6, 2013

Padre, Papa, Father, Dad

A father can have a big role in the family and rearing their children

We've been talking about fathers in class and were also assigned to write a paper on fathers.  While doing the research for my paper, I've been learning alot!! Did you know that father interaction can greatly help their children with their social-emotional, language and intellectual development? On the website, I learned a father can help a child with all of these things.

When it comes to social-emotional development, when a child's emotional responses are acknowledged by their father, and their father helps them address it with a problem-solving approach, the children score higher on emotional intelligence tests.

Father's are a big influence on children's language development. They are more likely than mothers to speak in ways that teach their children about social communication exchanges and challenge their child's developing language abilities.

Fathers help their children with their intellectual development.  Fathers are more likely to expand their child's creative horizons and find new and unexpected ways to play with familiar toys.

I am really grateful for my own father in my life! He has interacted with me and worked really hard to have a close relationship with me throughout my life.  He has been an example to me in many many ways and a friend when I needed one.  He has always taken time out of his own day to play games with me and help me learn and grow! Some people don't have fathers in their lives.  Father like figures can play that role and be beneficial as well. Home teachers and priesthood leaders can often play that role and are there when you need them!

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