Saturday, June 29, 2013

Actions speak louder than words!

It is easy for our different forms of communication, words, tone, and non verbal communication to not match up.
 There is a saying that says, “Actions speak louder than words.”  How very true this is! When we talk about the kinds of communication that we as human beings use, it is reported that 15% of our communication is words, 35% is tone and 51% is through non-verbal.  A majority of our communication is through non-verbal actions.  It is no wonder that we can easily get confused or have misunderstandings through texting.  Not only can you not hear the other persons tone but also, you cannot see their non-verbal actions when you are reading texts.
Sarcasm is another way where miscommunication can come into play.  When one is sarcastic, one usually changes the tone in the voice.  If you don’t know the person very well, whom is being sarcastic, you may think they are being rude and it is very easy to get offended.  One must be very careful when being sarcastic.  There may be truth in every sarcastic remark.  It may be fun and games sometimes but you need to pay attention to when you are using sarcasm, who your audience is and if it clear that you are using sarcasm.
It may be hard for others to understand people who are speech impaired or mute.  They are lacking in the, words, area of communication but you also can’t hear their intended tone, or it may be hard to hear it.  If we have friends, peers, or acquaintances that are speech impaired, we should go the extra mile and do our best to learn to understand and communicate with them.  This may mean learning sign language.

                If we are not speech impaired, we should try all we can to try and match up all our areas of communication and be sure that they complement each other rather than contradict each other. These forms of communication I am talking about are our, words, tone and non-verbal communication like mentioned earlier.  It can be very confusing when someone’s non-verbal communication says one thing but their words and tone says something else.  This can become very frustrating and may appear that they are not being truthful (whether they are or not).  If the areas of your communication don’t always match up, focus on the area that needs improving and constantly work to improve it. 

Thanks for reading my blog!! :) Feel free to comment! :)

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