Saturday, June 1, 2013

More about the opposite gender.... Dating vs. Hanging Out

This week we talked about hanging out vs. dating.  It's becoming more and more prominent for young adults and teenagers to hang out more than to date.  In one of the, in-class discussions we had this week, it was mentioned that it is possible that the main reason that students here at BYU-Idaho hang out instead of date is commitment.  A majority of girls at BYU-I don't want to start dating pre-missionary boys because they are going on a  mission soon and won't be back for two years. Some girls are afraid to date boys right after they get off their missions because they "are now looking for a wife".  Some of the girls aren't ready for that big of  commitment.

In an article I read for class it encourages going on dates to get to know others,  not necessarily to "find the one".  I believe that if you do this you will find what type of guy or girl you are looking for and "find the one" when you are ready. It says in the article, if the girls let the guys know they are not interested in a serious relationship right away dating is less intimidating!

What is the difference between hanging out and dating you may ask?  My teacher told us that the three p's to   dating are 1. paired off, 2. planned and 3. paid for. If those three p's are not involved it is probably hanging out.  These three p's of dating match up to the three p's of a husbands role to 1.protect, 2. preside, 3. provide.  Paring off matches up with protect, planned matches up to preside, and paid for matches up with provide.  The women's part in all of this is to nurture.  The woman can help ensure or nurture these roles the men have. When these roles of pairing off, planned and paid for in dating are fulfilled and the woman plays her role in nurturing, it can actually help prepare you for marriage.  Who knew?

If you want to get to know the opposite gender better (on individual basis ;) ) and or are looking for a marriage partner, I believe  that dating is the ultimate choice instead of hanging out!!


  1. Dating vs. hanging out. Hanging out always wins Alyssa! Are you trying to tell me I have commitment issues???? Because you're probably right....haha

  2. Hahaaa!! If you aren't ready to commit there is nothing wrong at all with hanging out!!! Dates can be nerve racking and awkward at times!!!!!!!
