Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mawaige is what bwings us togeva today.

This week's topic was marriage and weddings! Woot woot.   This week I am just going to write some points  that are not necessarily connected but I really thought were interesting. I learned  all of these in class this week! Here they are:

  • Three things you need to get to know each other when dating and figuring out if you found the right one.
  1. Time 2. Togetherness 3. Talk
These things are also known as the "Know Quo" .  When I say togetherness my teacher mentioned engage in a variety of activities.  Do not limit yourselves to movies all of the time.  Find other ways to get to know each other such as do service together or do outdoor activities! You get to know the other person's character so well through service.

  • Research shows that you don't begin to know someone til at least the first three months.  This was really interesting to me! One thing that I really enjoy is that you find out something new about a friend or a significant other everyday!
  • You need to know someone more than you trust them.  We should not rely on anyone anymore than we trust them.  You should not commit to someone anymore than you rely on them.  Your touch level should not be any higher than your commitment.- R.A.M. model (Relationship Attachment model by John Vanep
  • If you are getting marred in the temple focus more on your sealing  than on your reception. In any case whether you get married in the temple or not,  believe the focus should be emphasized on the marriage more than the wedding!
These are just some of the many great  things I have learned this week!! Marriage is a wonderful thing if you put all your time and effort into making it strong and filled with joy!!!

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